Two Waters

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Bob Braine

Two Waters

Künstlerbuch im Rahmen der Hamburg-Kartierung der Galerie für Landschaftskunst / GFLK-Surveys. 20 x 25cm, 120 Seiten mit Texten, Fotos, Zeichnungen und Landkarten von Bob Braine. In englischer Sprache. ISBN 3-89770-009-3. Salon Verlag, 2000.

"Two Waters is a unique chronicle of Brooklyn Artist Bob Braine’s waterborne wanderings in and around Hamburg and New York. Undertaking his Journeys in various small craft of his own manufacture Braine examines the urban waterscape through photographs, drawings and writing with a view towards illuminating the edges where humans and nature collide. What emerges is not merely a document of environmental decay but a poetic account of the state of urban nature in the late Holocene era."

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